Privacy Policy 4.5 / 5 ( 2 votes )

This security strategy notice for DayDreamOffers (“Organization,” “we,” “us,” or “our”), portrays how and why we could gather, store, use, and additionally share (“process”) your data when you utilize our administrations (“Administrations, for example, when you:

Visit our site at, or any site of our own that connects to this protection notice
Download and utilize our portable application (DayDreamOffers), or some other utilization of our own that connects to this security notice
Draw in with us in other related ways, including any business, advertising, or occasions

Various forms of feedback? Perusing this protection strategy notice will assist you with understanding your security privileges and decisions. In the event that you disagree with our arrangements and practices, kindly don’t utilize our Administrations. Assuming you actually have any various forms of feedback, kindly reach us at

Outline Of Central Issues
This synopsis gives central issues from our protection strategy notice, yet you can figure out additional insights concerning any of these subjects by tapping the connection following each central issue or by utilizing our chapter by chapter guide beneath to find the part you are searching for. You can likewise click here to go straightforwardly to our chapter by chapter guide.

What kind of personal data do we handle? At the point when you visit, use, or explore our Administrations, we might handle individual data relying upon how you connect with Daydreamoffers and your Administrations, the decisions, and the items and highlights you use. Click here to find out more.

Do we handle any private, sensitive information?
We don’t deal with touchy individual data.

Do we get any data from outsiders?
No information from third parties reaches us.

How do we deal with your data?
Handling your data to give, improve, and direct our Administrations, speak with you, for security and misrepresentation counteraction, and to conform to regulation. With your permission, we may also use your information for other purposes. We process your data just when we have a legitimate lawful motivation to do as such. Click here to find out more.

In what circumstances and with which gatherings do we share individual data?
We might share data in unambiguous circumstances and with explicit outsiders. Click here to find out more.

How would we protect your data?
To safeguard your personal information, we have implemented organizational and technical processes and procedures. In any case, no electronic transmission over the web or data stockpiling innovation can be destined to be 100 percent secure, so we can’t commitment or assurance that programmers, cybercriminals, or other unapproved outsiders can not overcome our security and inappropriately gather, access, take, or alter your data. Click here to find out more.

What are your freedoms?
Contingent upon where you are found topographically, the pertinent protection strategy regulation might mean you have specific privileges in regards to your own data. Find out more by clicking here.

How would you practice your privileges?
The least demanding method for practicing your privileges is by finishing up our information subject solicitation structure accessible here, or by reaching us. Any request will be taken into consideration and dealt with in accordance with the applicable data protection laws.

Need to look further into how DayDreamOffers manages any data we gather? Click here to audit the notification in full.

Chapter By Chapter Guide

  1. WHAT Data DO WE Gather?
  2. HOW Would WE Deal with YOUR Data?
  3. When we process your personal information, what legal bases do we rely on?
  5. How do we feel about websites run by third parties?
  7. HOW Would WE Guard YOUR Data?
  8. Is information from minors collected by us?
  9. WHAT ARE YOUR Protection Privileges?
  10. CONTROLS FOR Don’t TRACK Elements
  11. Do residents of California have special privacy rights?
  12. Are there any revisions to this notice?
  13. How can we get in touch with you about this notice?
  14. HOW Might YOU Audit, UPDATE, OR Erase THE Information WE Gather FROM YOU?
  15. WHAT Data DO WE Gather?

In brief, the personal information you provide to us: When you provide us with personal information, we collect it.
We gather individual data that you deliberately give to us when you express an interest in getting data about us or our items and Administrations, when you take part in exercises on the Administrations, or in any case when you reach us.
Individual Data Given by You. The choices you make, the products and features you use, and the context of your interactions with us and the Services all influence the personal information we collect. The individual data we gather might incorporate the accompanying:
email addresses are sensitive data. We don’t handle delicate data.
All private data that you give to us should be valid, finished, and exact, and you should advise us of any progressions to such private data.

  1. HOW Would WE Deal with YOUR Data?

In Short: DayDreamOffers uses your information to meet legal requirements, improve and administer our services, communicate with you, and prevent security and fraud. We may likewise handle your data for different purposes with your assent.
We process your own data for different reasons, contingent upon how you connect with our Administrations, including:

To save or safeguard a person’s imperative interest. We might deal with your data when important to save or safeguard a person’s essential interest, for example, to forestall hurt.

  1. When we process your information, what legal bases do we rely on?
    In Short: We possibly process your own data when we accept it is vital and we have a substantial lawful explanation (i.e., lawful premise) to do as such under pertinent regulation, as with your assent, to conform to regulations, to furnish you with administrations to go into or satisfy our legally binding commitments, to safeguard your freedoms, or to satisfy our genuine financial matters.
    This section applies to you if you live in the UK or EU.

The Overall Information Assurance Guideline (GDPR) and UK GDPR expect us to make sense of the legitimate lawful bases we depend on to handle your own data. Thusly, we might depend on the accompanying legitimate bases to handle your own data:
Consent. We might deal with your data in the event that you have given us authorization (i.e., assent) to involve your own data for a particular reason. You can pull out your assent whenever. Click here to find out more.

Lawful Commitments. We might handle your data where we accept it is vital for consistence with our legitimate commitments, for example, to help out a policing or administrative office, practice or guard our lawful privileges, or reveal your data as proof in suit where we are involved.

Crucial Interests. We might deal with your data where we accept it is important to safeguard your fundamental advantages or the imperative interests of an outsider, for example, circumstances including possible dangers to the security of any individual.

Assuming you are situated in Canada, this segment concerns you.
We might handle your data on the off chance that you have given us explicit authorization (i.e., express assent) to involve your own data for a particular reason, or in circumstances where your authorization can be construed (i.e., suggested assent). You can pull out your assent whenever. Click here to find out more.
We may be permitted by applicable law to process your information without your consent in exceptional circumstances, such as the following:
It is reasonable to expect collection and use with consent would compromise the availability or accuracy of the information and the collection is reasonable for purposes related to investigating a breach of an agreement or a contravention of the laws of Canada or a province If disclosure is required to comply with a subpoena, warrant, court order, or rules of the court relating to the production of records If it was produced by an individual in the course of their employment, business, or profession and the collection is consistent with the purposes for which the information was produced


In Short: We might share data in unambiguous circumstances portrayed in this segment and additionally with the accompanying outsiders.
We might have to share your own data in the accompanying circumstances:
Business Moves. We might share or move your data regarding, or during exchanges of, any consolidation, offer of organization resources, funding, or procurement of all or a piece of our business to another organization.

  1. How do we feel about websites run by third parties?

In Short: We are not answerable for the security of any data that you share with outsiders that we might connection to or who publicize on our Administrations, yet are not partnered with, our Administrations.
The Administrations might connection to outsider sites, online administrations, or versatile applications as well as contain commercials from outsiders that are not partnered with us and which might connection to different sites, administrations, or applications. Appropriately, we make no assurance in regards to any such outsiders, and we won’t be at risk for any misfortune or harm brought about by the utilization of such outsider sites, administrations, or applications. The incorporation of a connection towards an outsider site, administration, or application doesn’t suggest a support by us. We can’t ensure the security and protection of information you give to any outsiders. This privacy notice does not apply to any data gathered by third parties. Any third-party websites, services, or applications that may be linked to or from the Services, as well as their privacy and security policies, are not under our control. You ought to audit the strategies of such outsiders and reach them straightforwardly to answer your inquiries.


In Short: We save your data however long important to satisfy the reasons framed in this security strategy notice except if generally legally necessary.
We will just save your own data however long it is essential for the reasons set out in this protection strategy notice, except if a more drawn out maintenance period is required or allowed by regulation (like duty, bookkeeping, or other lawful necessities).
At the point when we have no continuous genuine business need to handle your own data, we will either erase or anonymize such data, or on the other hand, on the off chance that this isn’t workable (for instance, on the grounds that your own data has been put away in reinforcement documents), then we will safely store your own data and detach it from any further handling until erasure is conceivable.

7. HOW Would WE Guard YOUR Data?

In Short: Through a system of technical and organizational security measures, we want to keep your personal information safe.
We have executed fitting and sensible specialized and authoritative safety efforts intended to safeguard the security of any private data we process. In any case, in spite of our protections and endeavors to get your data, no electronic transmission over the Web or data stockpiling innovation can be destined to be 100 percent secure, so we can’t commitment or assurance that programmers, cybercriminals, or other unapproved outsiders can not overcome our security and inappropriately gather, access, take, or alter your data. In spite of the fact that we will give our all to safeguard your own data, transmission of individual data to and from our Administrations is despite all advice to the contrary. You ought to just access the Administrations inside a protected climate.

  1. Is information from minors collected by us?

In Short: We do not intend to market to children under the age of 18 or collect data from them.
We do not knowingly market to children under the age of 18 or solicit data from them. You warrant that you are at least 18 years old or that you are the parent or guardian of a minor and agree to the use of the Services by the minor dependent. We will deactivate the account and take reasonable steps to delete such data as soon as we learn that personal information from users under the age of 18 has been collected. In the event that you become mindful of any information we might have gathered from kids under age 18, if it’s not too much trouble, get in touch with us at

  1. WHAT ARE YOUR Protection Privileges?

In Short: You have rights that give you more control over your personal information in some places, like Canada, the United Kingdom, and the European Economic Area (EEA). You might audit, change, or end your record whenever.
You have certain rights under data protection laws in some places, like the EEA, UK, and Canada. These may incorporate the right (I) to demand access and get a duplicate of your own data, (ii) to demand correction or deletion; ( iii) to limit the handling of your own data; and (iv), if data portability is necessary. In specific conditions, you may likewise reserve the option to protest the handling of your own data. You can make such a solicitation by reaching us by utilizing the contact subtleties gave in the segment “HOW Might YOU Get in touch with US ABOUT THIS Notification?” below.
Any request will be taken into consideration and dealt with in accordance with the applicable data protection laws.
Assuming that you are situated in the EEA or UK and you accept we are unlawfully handling your own data, you likewise reserve the option to whine to your nearby information security administrative power. You can find their contact subtleties here:
In the event that you are situated in Switzerland, the contact subtleties for the information security specialists are accessible here:
Having your permission revoked: Assuming we are depending on your agree to handle your own data, which might be express or potentially suggested assent contingent upon the appropriate regulation, you reserve the option to pull out your assent whenever. You can pull out your assent whenever by reaching us by utilizing the contact subtleties gave in the segment “HOW Might YOU Get in touch with US ABOUT THIS Notification?” below.
Please note, however, that this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to its withdrawal, nor will it affect, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the processing of your personal information based on lawful processing grounds other than consent.
Quitting showcasing and limited time correspondences: You can unsubscribe at any time from our marketing and promotional communications by clicking the unsubscribe link in our emails or by contacting us using the information in the section titled “HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US ABOUT THIS NOTICE?” below. You will then be taken out from the advertising records. Notwithstanding, we might in any case speak with you — for instance, to send you administration related messages that are fundamental for the organization and utilization of your record, to answer administration demands, or for other non-showcasing purposes.
On the off chance that you have questions or remarks about your protection strategy privileges, you might email us at

  1. CONTROLS FOR Don’t TRACK Elements

Most internet browsers and a few versatile working frameworks and portable applications incorporate a Don’t Track (“DNT”) component or setting you can initiate to flag your security inclination not to have information about your web based perusing exercises observed and gathered. At this stage no uniform innovation standard for perceiving and carrying out DNT signals has been settled. Thusly, we don’t as of now answer DNT program signals or whatever other instrument that consequently conveys your decision not to be followed on the web. On the off chance that a norm for web based following is embraced that we should continue from now on, we will illuminate you about that training in a changed variant of this security notice.

  1. DO CALIFORNIA Occupants HAVE Explicit Security Strategy Privileges?

In Short: Indeed, in the event that you are an occupant of California, you are conceded explicit freedoms with respect to admittance to your own data.
California Common Code Segment 1798.83, otherwise called the “Focus The Light” regulation, allows our clients who are California occupants to ask for and get from us, one time per year and for nothing, data about classifications of individual data (if any) we unveiled to outsiders security strategy for direct promoting purposes and the names and addresses of all outsiders with which we shared individual data in the promptly going before schedule year. If you are a resident of California and wish to make such a request, please send it to us in writing at the address listed below.
On the off chance that you are under 18 years old, live in California, and have an enrolled account with Administrations, you reserve the option to demand expulsion of undesirable information that you freely post on the Administrations. To demand expulsion of such information, kindly reach us utilizing the contact data gave beneath and incorporate the email address related with your record and an explanation that you live in California. We will ensure the information isn’t freely shown on the Administrations, however kindly know that the information may not be totally or thoroughly eliminated from every one of our frameworks (e.g., reinforcements, and so forth.).

  1. Are there any revisions to this notice?

In Short: Indeed, we will refresh this notification as important to remain consistent with significant regulations.
This privacy notice may be updated from time to time. The refreshed form will be demonstrated by a refreshed “Modified” date and the refreshed adaptation will be powerful when it is open. In the event that we roll out material improvements to this security notice, we might tell you either by conspicuously posting a notification of such changes or by straightforwardly sending you a warning. To stay up to date on how we safeguard your data, we urge you to frequently peruse this privacy policy notice.

  1. How can we get in touch with you about this notice?

You can contact us by email at or by mail at the following address with questions or comments regarding this notice:

  1. HOW Might YOU Audit, UPDATE, OR Erase THE Information WE Gather FROM YOU?

In view of the material laws of your country, you might reserve the privilege to demand admittance to the individual data we gather from you, change that data, or erase it. To demand to survey, update, or erase your own data, if it’s not too much trouble, finish up and present an information subject access demand.